author Христо



  • The article contains the best recipes for folk remedies for fungus on the feet. Treatment of the fungus with the help of traditional medicine has a very good effect, especially in the early stages in the development of mycosis.
    22 February 2022
  • Tortured by toenail fungus and you don’t know how to deal with it? Read in our article how to get rid of nail fungus quickly and effectively - a drug tested based on personal experience and expert recommendations.
    16 March 2021
  • How to treat onychomycosis, determines the physician depending on the degree of change in nail plate shape, a clinic, and the degree of hyperkeratosis and the length of the affected area. The processing tools from the site of exposure, topical ointments, drops, sprays, sort of), and the validity of the general.
    31 August 2019
  • The signs of nail fungus on the feet, everyone should know by now, this disease is a serious condition.
    24 June 2019
  • The nail fungus on the feet is a common infection, therefore, it is important to know that it is possible to treat this disease at home when the first symptoms of the pathology. The disease is extremely irritating to the eyes, after all, infected by a fungus areas seem disgusting.
    1 June 2019
  • For the treatment of fungus of the nail of the big toe there is a vast amount of pharmaceutical products that are applied externally and orally. The dangerous disease its rapid spread, the risk of contracting a nail causes the infection of others.
    8 April 2019
  • Nail fungus is characterized by inflammation, pain and swelling of the finger in the foot. Means of dealing with the fungus does not destroy organisms that cause disease, prevent the progression of ringworm, and are able to accumulate in the nails for a long period of time, which reduces the time of treatment.
    8 April 2019