Athlete's foot – a dangerous disease, which typically affects the skin of the feet. Initially, you receive a fungus between the toes, and then spreads to other areas. As it seems similar to the disease, its symptoms, causes, as well as the specifics of the treatment of a closer look.

The causes of the fungus between the fingers
The skin of the feet is most often exposed to fungal diseases. The causes of this status can be the following:
- reduction of defense mechanisms in the body due to migrated from infectious disease or inflammatory character;
- bad logistics of the lower limbs blood, which causes the stagnation processes in the legs;
- microtrauma skin in the area stop and between the fingers;
- the intense sweating or very dry;
- long-term uncomfortable and tight shoes.
Cause the fungus on the feet can neglect the hygiene, the presence of diapers. In addition, the infection is able to enter the body through microtrauma to the skin during a visit to the swimming pool or sauna.
The symptoms, the types of
Interdigital athlete's foot has several phases of its development, each of which has a specific manifestation.
The symptoms of the initial phase of a fungal infection:
- the appearance of small cracks between your fingers, specially under the finger, and also the feet;
- a slight flaking of skin from the integument in the area of formation of cracks.
In the initial phase, the symptoms are mild, so that many do not give importance to this manifestation, so by starting the fungal infection.
The following degree of development of the fungus between the toes is more symptomatic. On the skin appear red spots, flaking already evident. This time can occur bubbles of education with a transparent liquid.
During the second phase of development of the disease begin to form calluses, the skin becomes rough, appears from corn. This time the bark accompanied by itching, and sometimes burning.

The penultimate stage of the fungus between the fingers is characterized by worsening of the state of the affected skin. The crack becomes deeper, making it if erosion. Develops wet the fungus. Along with such symptoms, other symptoms: inflammation and swelling of the affected by a fungus phases.
During the execution of a form of the disease are observed symptoms such as:
- the emergence purulent blisters between the fingers, under the finger and on the feet.
- the pain and the itching increases;
- the redness and irritation of the skin, clearly expressed.
In addition, interdigital athlete's foot in the last phase, has other signs. This time itchy fingers, will crack the skin, implode purulent blisters. The area between the fingers wet, the affected nails peel, skin, in the epidermis, receives a coat of white.
The appearance of any of these symptoms should alert the man, and motivate them to seek the advice of a specialist. Only the timely treatment gives the opportunity to get rid of the disease.
Types of fungi between the toes
The fungal infection tend to generate three types of bacteria – the dermatophytes, mushrooms, yeast and fungi. Each type of infection has its a favourable environment for the development. Mold is a fungus that can develop there, where there is heat, high humidity. Yeast mushrooms are able to harm the nail and the skin.
Most often cause athlete's foot dermatophytes. The fungus primarily affects the skin between the fingers from the thumb and the area under the finger. This type of infection prefer the heat and the humidity. It is in this environment develop in the disputes of the virus.

Treatment at home
Interdigital mosses require long-term treatment. The therapy can be made at home. Importantly, pass the exam and confirm the diagnosis.
The therapy of the fungus between the fingers involves the treatment of medications and the popular media.
Treatment medicines
Treatment antifungal medicines internal application you need to zoom in to the side of medicines (creams, ointments, solutions).
Creams, ointments, lotions have a negative effect on the bacteria. Application of drugs reduces flaking, itching and ulcerative processes in the skin between the toes of the lotus. With their help, you can remove the fungus, and to prevent their re-emergence.
The drug treatment assigns a dermatologist after a thorough study. By their own account, and without an accurate diagnosis of the medicine is not recommended, since it may aggravate the patient's condition.
Treatment at home
Medication elimination of the disease can be supported by the popular media. In this case, the effective means are:
- therapeutic trays (salt, soda, herbs);
- gadgets with the hydrogen peroxide, the vinegar;
- treatment interdigital area of iodine.
These methods help you get rid of the infection, resolve symptoms and relieve the state of the patient.
Salt and soda bath
In 1 l of water (37-40 degrees) to take 1-2 h. l. soda or salt. Omit the feet in the basin, and policies of 20-30 minutes. Steamed the skin, treat epidermis keratinized, skin.
The procedure to do at least 1 time per day, preferably before bedtime.
Herbal baths
Changelühannoy dry blend of herbs (chamomile, plantain, handStOTEl), pour 1 liter of boiling water. Herbal collection should take at least 3 St. l. Fly of feet in this infusion refrigerated is not recommended less than 20 minutes.
After of sodium bicarbonate and herbs, manipulation of the foot needs to be processed, the maximum removing damaged particles from the epidermis. The skin lubricate the hydrogen peroxide or iodine.
Lotions with vinegar
Moisten a piece of cotton in 9%-m solution, attach the hit regions. The feet curl the polyethylene, the support for 3-5 minutes. After the time of washing the skin with warm water.

It is important that all the manipulation of the people of the means to support the medicines. To do this, after each procedure affected lubrication antifungal in ointments, creams or processing of aerosols.
Judging by the experience and comments of the readers, the therapy of the disease is much more efficient than the use of antifungal substances in isolation.
How to cure a fungus is the child
The emergence of a fungal infection of the child can occur at any age. Why take off the skin, is able to determine the dermatologist. The guilt may be the reduction of the immunity, microtrauma in the skin of the feet, as well as the stagnation processes in the lower limbs. To correctly identify the cause and assign the appropriate therapy, the expert must perform the diagnosis.
During the initial phase of the fungus between the fingers, the child is missing outside of low-cost treatment of ointments. That healing in the most run-ways, when the sores and blisters with fluid? Doctors recommend to combine antifungal and antibacterial drugs.
The fungal infection pick up easy, but to get rid of it is very difficult. The prevention not only help to eliminate the disease, but prevent relapse.
- The free. Daily washing of the feet, treatment of diaper rash, fight with sweatlandвоStüю.
- Care in public areas. Saunas and swimming pools best to visit with your shifts, the shoes. After the foot bath, it is advisable to treat antifungal aerosol or peroxide.
- Wearing a comfortable shoes, eliminating blisters and calluses.
- An active lifestyle helps to maintain good blood circulation in the lower limbs.
If a family has one person infected, all footwear should be disinfected. Do not use common free. After a bath feet to cope better with ointment or spray, which will help to decontaminate the skin.
When the symptoms of the fungus between the fingers is important the help of an expert, and in a short time to start the treatment. Time detected the disease is easier to treat, that runs.