The quickest way of toenail fungus treatment at home

A lot of times people are faced with the problem of nail bed fungus. There are recipes and folk, able to quickly cure the fungus in your home. The treatment of the nail bed from the nail fungus of the feet, it takes a long time, but the important thing is not to lose in the course of the treatment.

Nail fungus

How to cure nail fungus at home

Nail fungus — a common infection in the world. Left untreated, this disease, this is a very long period of time, sometimes for up to 12 months. The removal of the nail is taken up several times in a year. The fungus is of a different species, but it is there in the same way. The nail becomes yellow, and an unpleasant odor. If you don't take any of the measures, the nail plate will be completely destroyed. Many people wonder how to cure nail fungus on the feet, and if it is possible. If the treatment is started at the time of the stage of the disease is not running, then it is treated with the fungus in the toenail in the house fast enough. To do this, there are many ways and recipes, medicine, popular,. The practice shows that in folk medicine, it is really effective. For the treatment of fungus nail at home, the popular media is the quickest way to get rid of this nasty disease.

It is important not to give in to the disease progression. For a man with this disease is very dangerous, as well as the background of developing the disease. If the immunity of a person is weakened, the infection spreads rapidly to the internal organs. Disease-fungal diseases that cause lesions, toxic to the the body of various toxins.

Medications for quick healing of nail fungus

When you suspect the disease, you should consult with your doctor. If the expert had diagnosed the disease, in this case, it is attributed to the treatment. There are many ways to overcome the yeast fungi. The list of medicines that will help you to get rid of the ailment.

  1. A medical nail varnish, which is designed for the treatment of a fungal infection. An effective way to begin to heal, even with the implementation of a fungus. The remedy for this is always attributed only to currency exchange rates. The disease is carried over in a month.
  2. The whey of the milk. After the application of the tool on the surface of the plate is formed an unfavorable environment for the development of an infection. The period of use of the serum is dependent on the degree of injury to the nail.
  3. The drug is marketed in the form of a spray, a cream or a gel. This is attributed to the drug in the lesions, and extensive nail plate. It is an effective drug for the treatment of fungus of the nails of the feet. To apply it more than twice a day. Before you can apply it to the nails to necessarily be treated, and dry.

If, after the external application of the tools of the fungus in the nail is continuing to improve, and so, in this case, they are given the drugs orally. The tablets have the same properties, and both. They are also able to prevent the development of yeast infection.

The mixture of alcohol and garlic

Folk, when the the fungus in the nail

Quickly cure your nail fungus in the feet to help the folk. If the disease is already in the implementation phase, in this case, you are looking for with the help of a professional mycologist or a dermatologist. Each and every one of them will have to perform tests, and prescribe medications to the patient's treatment. If the disease is in the early stages of development, in order to remove the infection, you can, and in the home. There are a lot of effective income, which can help to get rid of the disease in the short term.

The mixture of alcohol and garlic

Perhaps, it is the most efficient and effective for the treatment of the nails, feet, at home is garlic. The teeth of the shelling. After that, the garlic has to turn into a mush, and pour it into the alcohol. The aspect ratio is taken in the ratio: 1:1. The result is a curing compound for the treatment of the victim in the space of a day.

You can also just squeeze the garlic juice and add a pinch of salt. In the resulting solution by a wet, a hard disk, and is applied to the nail for the night. After that we went for 10 days, it will be a positive outcome of the treatment.

Acetic acid

The action of the acetic acid that is very similar to the action of garlic. You must take the pots and fill it with acetic acid. After that, it drops off a chicken's egg. The ship should leave in a dark place, where you won't be able to penetrate the sun's rays. You have to wait for the time when the egg is completely dissolved in the acid. Only after that, you you you you you you can obtained the drugs with the oil. The tool speeds up the healing process of the patient's nail.


Each and every one in the house, there are of iodine, and it helps if they are released in fungi of the nail. The feet should be thoroughly washed and dried. After that, the nails should be spread out with the iodine and wait for it to seep in. When you do this, you must put your foot in a hot tub. For a cure to a disease, is sufficient to pass only some of the procedures are similar. But it's the kind of treatment that has a negative side when you apply the iodine value of the perforation, the pain is felt.



In the plant, horseradish has many medicinal properties, again, even with a fungal infection. The torn leaf of the horseradish grind in a meat grinder. The resulting mass to put on a wound until it does not grow back, perfectly, the nail is healthy, and it's not going to be ' old ' species.


Kombucha tea is not only can make a delicious and healthy drink, but it is still medicine. It helps to eliminate up-to-age species. Bits and pieces of the mushroom, apply to the affected nail plate, and roll paper, cellophane, or plastic bag. It can be left on all night, or remove it over a couple of hours. It all depends on the degree of injury to the nail.

A desk made of birch tar.

It is within easy reach of the tool, based on the resin of the wood. The resin of the wood, dissolve into the vodka. Prior to the application of the drug, so the solution is shaken. Recommended with roll-up toe of the procedure, as it is a tool that is quite a mark.

The tubs on the basis of salt and sodium

In the bowl of a call for domestic hot water, and dissolve in it the bicarbonate of soda with salt in equal proportions. Your feet leave it in the water for about 20 minutes. After this time has elapsed, the foot dry, and the nails, treating the hydrogen peroxide.

The alcohol and the honey

An excellent tool for in folk medicine, is effective in the treatment of a disease, honey. Properties that began the resins to amaze its medicinal effect. In order to use them in the treatment of the fungus, the need for dissolving the adhesive with alcohol. In this case, the honey is the best, which manifests itself as a "faith healer" of the nail fungus. We have received the tool from overheating by up to 20 degrees, and then apply to the affected board.

Set the world on fire with the sour cream

The cream and mix it with the powder without smoke, and apply the mixture on the patient's fingernail. A tool that helps you to cope with a disease that is progressive over a short period of time. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

The feet at the time of the treatment, all of the time, they should be cleaned and sun-dried tomatoes.


To this solution, there is absolutely no should be in every household, but are used to it, everything is different. A little piece of a bandage or even of a disk rubbing with a solution, and to attach the patient to the place. After that, the finger should be playing in the band. After the removal of the foot, spreading of the oil.

The recommendations of the medical

Set the world on fire with the sour cream

Dermatologists say that the practice of the treatment of the disease is in the hospital. It is a dangerous disease, you have a number of undesirable consequences. In traditional medicine they are used to the quality of the products. How to show only the symptoms of the disease, you should immediately contact your health care provider to consult and help you. Lots of people, guidelines, useful, and high performance, but to assign to it should be the doctor.

To alleviate the condition of the patient, and to prevent the occurrence of the disease will help in the implementation. the following two rules:

  1. Once you see a lot of public swimming pools, and saunas, and baths — you will need to wash your feet.
  2. It is recommended to wear only socks made of cotton, which will allow the foot to breathe. In addition, this material absorbs moisture well, allowing the foot is not sweating it. When it is the duty of the using the shoe is closed, the feet sweat, it creates an environment that is conducive to the life and reproduction of a bacteria in different. For the synthetics, in this case, it will only contribute to the development of the infection.
  3. The feet will always stay on dry. If your socks get wet, your needs change.
  4. In any case, you can change the bed linen, the clothes of other people. This is the first rule of personal hygiene.
  5. Constantly try to take care of your nails.

When you are asked for unusual symptoms in your toenails, you should consult with your doctor. Just in time, developed a therapy that will help you in the shortest time to cope with the disease. Curing nail fungus on feet at home, it is possible to the recommendations of the experts. To clear up the fungus, it can be a fast, efficient, and cost-effective.