An effective home treatment for toenail fungus

Mycosis is a common skin disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. You can be infected through direct contact with sick people, in public places, where the habit of using shoes, towels together (in the bath, sauna). Traditional medicine offers many ways to get rid of this disease. In parallel, it is also possible to treat fungus on the feet at home with the help of improvised methods.

The main symptoms

Fungal infections of the feet manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Redness on the skin and itching, which initially makes itself felt in the interdigital area. Furthermore, pathological changes in the skin were observed throughout the soles of the feet.
  2. Severe exfoliation of the skin due to its dryness, accompanied by irritation. Small cracks appear, which gradually turn into deep wounds, accompanied by a painful sensation. With further forms of infection, the outside of the foot can also be affected.
  3. The progressive disease is accompanied by the formation of small itchy bubbles that appear sharply between the toes and on the soles of the feet. Opening, they lead to the formation of wounds, itching and pain.
fungal symptoms on the feet

Folk remedies to fight infections

At one’s feet there is an environment with a slightly acidic reaction. For this reason, the fungal bacteria that surround a person have no chance of penetrating the epidermis. The body’s natural defenses will weaken as immunity declines, and a warm, humid environment is created for pathogens.

At such moments, the skin of the feet weakens, and microsporias easily settle on it, beginning an active life. The use of drugs for treatment prescribed by a doctor does not always give positive results, and you should undergo repeated therapy according to the revised scheme. In such situations, it is recommended to use traditional medicine and treat and prevent re -fungus on the feet at home.

Excess iodine

This pharmaceutical substance has a strong antiseptic effect, is a strong halogen, which gives a high folding of protein components. Since the spores of pathogenic fungi are composed of proteins, iodine neutralizes them in a short period of time and prevents the recurrence of the disease. You need to know that:

  1. During treatment, iodine can cause allergic reactions, therefore, it is recommended to perform a test on healthy skin before using it (apply 1 drop on the elbow bend).
  2. The described drugs show high efficiency in the early stages of the onset of infection, because the mechanisms acting on proteins work only on the surface of the skin.
  3. If used too often on the affected part of the foot, iodine can provoke the formation of burns.
iodine to treat fungal infections

Alcoholic iodine solution has a high concentration. It is recommended to dilute it before starting treatment with ordinary medical alcohol at a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting product is applied directly to the affected foot area, previously steamed in warm water and wiped dry. The course of treatment should not exceed 1 week; to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use drugs that fight infection simultaneously.

Hydrogen peroxide

This substance is known for its antiseptic properties, it is a natural regulator of important metabolic processes that take place in the human body. This allows frequent use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of fungal infections of the feet at home.

It is necessary to prepare a 3%peroxide solution, based on its foundation, making an application for 10-15 minutes. Prior to the procedure, the infected skin is steamed and dried, and the flaking epidermis is removed. A layer of cotton is moistened with liquid and rubbed on the focus of the disease, tightly fitted. At the end of the procedure, the application site was wiped with a clean cloth, but not washed. To get a positive result, it is necessary to undergo treatment for at least 5 days.

using hydrogen peroxide to treat fungus


Celandine is known for its medicinal qualities and is widely used in folk medicine. This plant is very effective in treating all kinds of damage to the skin, infections. The secret lies in the large number of saponins and alkaloids included in its juice.

Various baths, decoctions and infusions of celandine are known, which in a short time help get rid of infections on the skin of the feet. Cure fresh juices from freshly picked plants. To quickly get rid of mycosis, it is recommended to use the tray simultaneously with a decoction of herbs, and then treat lesions on the skin with fresh celandine juice.

Preparation of decoction for bathing: 500 g fresh or 100 g of dried grass must be poured with 1 liter of boiled water. The resulting infusion is used diluted with hot water at a rate of 1: 1. Foot bath must be done at night for 10 days. At the end of the procedure, the damaged area on the foot is dried, the dead skin is cleaned, and treatment with fresh plant juices is performed.

Apple cider vinegar

Acidic environments are detrimental in the treatment of fungal infection pathogens. In the early stages of skin disease, when the parasitic colony infection has not yet penetrated too far into the epidermis, apple cider vinegar can be an excellent remedy for the destruction of athlete’s foot.

Apple cider vinegar contains organic substances that can destroy pathological formations and infections in a short time. Appliques are applied on the affected part of the skin, while it is not desirable to touch healthy areas. If the feet are severely damaged, it is recommended, after bathing, to treat intact skin with baby cream and wear tight socks, previously moistened with vinegar.


Baking soda has a disinfectant and emollient effect, but is rarely used in its pure form to treat fungal infections on the skin of the feet at home. Positive preventive results are achieved with the use of a combination of soda with tar or laundry soap, salt.

Baths for fungal skin infections based on sea salt and soda have a regrowth and disinfection effect on the epidermis like natural sea water. The effect will be more complete if you add a few drops of iodine into the water. Proportions: 2 liters of hot water, 3 tablespoons of dry ingredients. Feet with a focus of diseased skin were steamed 2 times during the day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

foot baths for fungal infections

Preparation for the treatment of bath soap: 3 liters of hot water, in which half a bar of crushed soap is dissolved. 5 tablespoons of baking soda is also added here. After the water has cooled, the feet should be rinsed and dried thoroughly. The disease will subside within a week. But at the same time, it is necessary to create a situation where the skin fungus does not return again and does not begin to recur at a greater rate.

Acetic acid

Not diluted, this substance can damage the integrity of the skin; it can be diluted with freshly squeezed carrot juice. Carrots contain large amounts of phytonutides and carotene, which help heal affected skin. Vinegar also contributes to the complete elimination of fungal foci on the feet.

Applications made on the basis of carrot-vinegar solution (ratio 1: 1) help the treatment well. You need to hold it no more than 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to do a foot bath, which will soften the hardened epidermis, thus giving the drug unobstructed access to pathogens.

Treatment of foot fungus with folk remedies is an effective and efficient therapy. In this case, you must monitor your diet carefully, adhering to a balanced diet. The body should get adequate amounts of nutrients, vitamin complexes that support the immune system at the right levels. Only in this case, the fight against fungi that affect the skin of the feet will be fast and positive. Avitaminosis and weakened immunity are the causes of infection of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of foot mycoses using folk remedies is safe for human health, provided that all rules and instructions are fully complied with. Traditional medicine tips, as well as complex drug therapies will help get rid of fungal diseases and prevent them from recurring.